Taliban Fighters Set Afghan Woman Ablaze For ‘Bad Cooking,’ Report says

Taliban militants

LAGOS AUGUST 22ND (NEWSRANGERS)-An Afghan woman was reportedly set on fire by Taliban fighters because they weren’t satisfied with a meal she prepared, according to The Telegraph.

A former judge, Najla Ayoubi, told Sky News that she had received multiple reports of violence against women by the insurgent group, The Telegraph reported.

This particular incident, Ayoubi alleged, involved a woman in the north of the country who was “put on fire because she was accused of bad cooking,” the paper said.

“They are forcing people to give them food and cook them food,” she continued.

Ayoubi also said that women are being used as sex slaves, according to Metro.

“They also force families to marry their young daughters to Taliban fighters,” she added. “I don’t see where is the promise that they think women should be going to work when we are seeing all of these atrocities.”

Ayoubi also said that many of her fellow Afghan activists are in hiding because of the fear of violence.

Women across Afghanistan are reportedly terrified of losing their rights and freedoms now that the Taliban has taken over the country, Insider’s Sinéad Baker reported.

During the Taliban’s 1996-2001 rule, women were not allowed to work or attend school. They were also barred from leaving their homes without the presence of a man and were forced to cover their faces or risk punishment.

Although the militant group has vowed to respect women’s rights “within Islamic law,” many are skeptical of this promise and respect a return to the brutal form of Sharia law that was imposed under the Taliban’s previous period of rule.

The Taliban “will come for people like me and kill me,” Zarifa Ghafari, a prominent female mayor and women’s rights advocate, said earlier this week.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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