Woman In Police Net For Refusing To Return $1.2m Accidentally Deposited Into Her Account

LAGOS APRIL 13TH (NEWSRANGERS)-Kelyn Spadoni allegedly transferred the funds received from Charles Schwab & Co. to another account immediately

A Louisiana woman is being accused of mistakenly receiving funds and not returning them.

Kelyn Spadoni, 33, of Harvey, Louisiana, allegedly refused to return more than $1.2 million she mistakenly received from Charles Schwab & Co. According to Nola.com, the suspect allegedly immediately transferred them to another account. She was arrested on Wednesday.

“She secreted it, and they were not able to access it,” said a Sheriff’s Office spokesperson, Capt. Jason Rivarde.

Before receiving the funds, Spadoni had opened an account with Charles Schwab & Co. in January. Recently, the company installed an “enhancement” to the program that they use to transfer assets. On Feb. 23, when the company meant to place $82.56 into Spadoni’s account, they mistakenly deposited $1,205,619, per court documents.

The company tried to reverse the action, but Spadoni had already transferred the funds. She later purchased a house and a brand new 2021 Hyundai Genesis.

“She has no legal claim to that money,” added Rivarde. “Even if it was put in there by mistake. It was an accounting error.”

Spadoni is now being sued by Charles Schwab & Co. in federal court and has been charged with theft valued at over $25,000, bank fraud, and illegal transmission of monetary funds. She was also fired from her job of four and a half years as a 911 dispatcher for the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office.

She is currently being held in Gretna at Jefferson Parish Correctional Center on a $50,000 bond, per court records.

“By her conduct, Spadoni has made it clear she does not intend to return the mistakenly transferred funds to Schwab,” per the lawsuit.

The suspect allegedly began ignoring attempts of contact by Charles Schwab & Co. after she received the funds.

The company was able to retrieve 75% of the money from Spadoni. Still, according to the contract she signed with the company, it is her responsibility to return the payment if she was ever overpaid.

“If someone accidentally puts an extra zero on a utility payment, they would want that money returned or credited to them. This is no different,” shared Rivarde.

The Gria

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Posted by on Apr 13 2021. Filed under International, National. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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