Passengers Grumble Over Sudden NRC Increases Of Train Fare



LAGOS DECEMBER 5TH (NEWSRANGERS)-The Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) on Sunday issued an internal memo announcing the train fare increment earlier published exclusively by Tribune Online. This is even as some passengers have lamented over the manner of increment, wondering why NRC will jack up train fares without prior notice to train users.

According to the internal memo released on Sunday which had been sighted by the Tribune Online since 30th of November, 2022, travelling from Lagos to Ibadan on the 24-seater coaches will now cost N9,000 instead of N6,500; the 56 and 68-seater coaches will now cost N6,500 instead of N5,000, and the 88-seater coaches will attract N3,600 instead of N2,500.

Meanwhile, fares for Lagos to Abeokuta have been raised for the 24-seater coaches to N6,000; 56 and 68-seater coaches, N4,500 and 88-seater coaches, N3,000.

For Abeokuta to Ibadan, 24-seater coaches, N3,000; 56 and 68-seater coaches, N2,000 and 88-seater coaches, N1,000.

Fares for minors on the route have been pegged at N3,000 for Lagos to Ibadan, N2,000 for Lagos to Abeokuta and N600 for Abeokuta to Ibadan.

For the Warri-Itakpe train services (WITS), Ujevwu to Itakpe on the 56-seater coaches will now cost N9,000 while on the 88-seater coaches, it will be N5,000.

From Ujevwu to Uromi on the 56-seater coaches, the price has been pegged at N5,500 while on the 88-seater coaches, it will be N2,500.

However, for Uromi to Itakpe, the price is now N4,000 for the 56-seater coaches and N2,500 for the 88-seater coaches.

Fares for minors on the route have been pegged at N2,500 for Ujevwu to Itakpe, N1,500 for Ujevwu to Uromi and N1,500 Uromi to Itakpe.

Similarly, for the Abuja-Kaduna train services (AKTS), from Idu to Rigasa, the price has been pegged at N9,000 for 24-seater coaches, N6,500 for 56 and 68-seater coaches and N3,600 for 88-seater coaches while minors will pay N3,000 flat.

The NRC stated that earlier approved add-on costs that are deductible from every ticket sale are to apply and that the changes take immediate effect.

However, reacting to the increment, some passengers who spoke with Tribune Online lamented over the manner of the increment by the NRC.

Speaking to the Tribune Online, some passengers who spoke with our correspondent at the Mobolaji Johnson Train Station on Sunday lamented that there was no prior notification about the new train fares before implementation.

“There was no prior information about this new train fares. I only read in Tribune Online that the NRC will increase train fares. I even doubted it because the NRC, in the Tribune Online report said they are not aware.

“That is why I am so shocked that this new fare regime is taking effect from tomorrow (Monday). How can NRC increase train fares without informing train users? This is crazy,” some of the train users told Tribune Online exclusively.

When contacted on the sudden increment of train fares, the Lagos District Manager for Lagos-Ibadan standard gauge train, Mr Augustine Arisa said the manner of approval caused the sudden increment in train fares.

Speaking with Tribune Online exclusively, Augustine Arisa explained that, “We are so sorry for the sudden increment. The manner of approval from the Federal Ministry of Transportation caused the sudden increment.

“Before, we used to inform passengers about any changes in train fares. But this one is sudden because of the way the approval came from the Ministry of Transportation. We are so sorry for the inconvenience,” Augustine Arisa told Tribune Online exclusively.



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