Killers Of Nigerian Student In Cyprus Docked

LAGOS JANUARY 31ST (NEWSRANGERS)-Three people arrested in connection with the abduction and murder of a 28-year-old Nigerian student in Famagusta, have been arraigned in court today.
.According to police investigation, Kennedy Toomwabwa Dede was assaulted by 8 people, yesterday, kidnapped from his car, taken to the Çanakkale Pond, seriously beaten and killed there.
.Three Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus citizens, namely, Zekeriya Kurucu, 22, Ozan Korkurt, 18, and Burcu Çelik, 16, were later arrested in connection with the case and arraigned in court today.
Judge Gökan Asafoğluları ordered the suspects to remain in police custody for two days, as investigation is still on. Four other suspects are said to have been picked up. They are: Nidai Sanli, Onur Kurkurt, Simge Dagdur, and Aydan Sel. : kibrisgercek/Detaykibris

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