Insecurity: Ikorodu Monarch, Cleric, Others Call For Total Ban Of Okada In Lagos

LAGOS MAY 10TH (NEWSRANGERS)-Ayangburen of Ikorodu Oba Kabiru Shotobi has said Okada activities should be banned in Lagos State if the war against insecurity must be won.

He insisted that now is the time to implement the law banning their operations.

The monarch was a panelist at the stakeholders’ meeting on security holding at the Adeyemi Bero Auditorium in Alausa, Ikeja.

He said: “Now is the time to ban the activities of okada riders. I have often told the governor that the right time might not come if we keep waiting for alternatives which might take forever; now is the time to stop the menace of okada riders who are very lawless.”

State Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Stephen Adegbite, who corroborated Shotobi, said okada and Keke Napep should not be part of the megacity.

According to him, the activities of transport unions must also be checked if the state must secure residents and property.

The cleric also admonished those agitating for secession to desist from such, saying the solution to Nigeria’s problems were honesty, discipline, sincerity and hard work.

He said: “Okada and Keke Napep should be banned; they cannot be part of the megacity. I also call on those agitating for secession to desist as Nigeria remains better together. The solutions to our problems are not to break away, but honesty hard work, sincerity, discipline. Nigerians should do away with lawlessness and obey rules and regulations which are made to ensure our safety.”

Other panelists also advocated a ban on the activities of okada riders.

According to them, most okada riders who use the avenue to perpetuate crime are not Nigerians.

The Nation

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