‘European Union Endorses Okonjo-Iweala For WTO Director-General Seat’

LAGOS OCTOBER 27TH (NEWSRANGERS)-The European Union has backed Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala for the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation position, pushing her closer to securing the votes that she needs to win the seat, a source with knowledge of the development told THEWILL moments ago.

The EU will be issuing a formal statement shortly to announce its decision, the source who asked to remain anonymous said.

Okon-Iweala, 66, who holds both Nigerian and American citizenship, had previously received the backing of most EU countries to lead the WTO and put her ahead of South Korea’s trade minister Yoo Myung-hee, the other female candidate. Diplomats from the member states met Monday to seek a consensus for Okonjo-Iweala after most of the countries backed her bid, while Hungary and a few other countries supported Myung-hee. The EU officials however later agreed to give Okonjo-Iwaela their unanimous support and will be announcing it soonest

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