Confusion As Stray Bullets Allegedly Shot By Custom Officer Hit Primary Five Pupil

Salisu Bello, victim of a stray bullet, allegedly fired by custom officers, receiving treatment at the General Hospital, Katsina on Friday

LAGOS APRIL 7TH (NEWSRANGERS) – A stray bullet allegedly fired by officers of the Nigeria Customs Service, Katsina State Command, Operations Unit has hit one Salisu Bello, a primary five Pupil of Morawa Primary School in Batagarwa Local Government Area of Katsina State.
The victim who sustained injuries on his left hand and neck was rushed to General Hospital, Katsina, by Asiya Abubakar, the headmistress of the school, accompanied by some teachers and some of the victim’s relatives.
However, one Ibrahim, the Acting Public Relations Officer of the State command of Nigeria Customs Service has denied knowledge of the incident, saying “the command is not aware of the incident.”
As of the time of filing this report, the victim was vomiting blood on his sick bed, hence the need for prompt intervention by the state government.
Bello, according to eyewitness’s account was hit by the stray bullet as custom officers in a hot pursuit of a J5 vehicle loaded with smuggled rice and second-hand belts of cloths began to fire shots sporadically in the area.
The incident which was said to have occurred at about 9: 30 am led to pandemonium in the school as teachers and pupils fled the school for safety.
When DAILY INDEPENDENT visited the 11-year-old boy on his sick bed at the Katsina General Hospital, on Friday, he said “It was customs officers that shot me when I was coming out from my school during break time to buy something by the roadside”.
Confirming the development to newsmen at the hospital, Asiya Abubakar, the Headmistress of Morawa Primary School, said the boy was hit by a stray bullet fired by officers of the Nigeria Customs Service pursuing rice smugglers, calling on government at all levels to put mechanism in motion stop ‘killing and injuring of innocent persons’ in the state.
On his part, Aminu Bello, Principal Personnel Officer of Batagarawa local government education authority, who was also at the hospital admonished the state government to put an end to what he described as “frequent killing” of residents by customs men in the state.
His words, “We are not happy with this situation in the state. Government should come to our rescue because customs men are killing our people in the state.”
Daly Independent

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