Israel Adesanya’s Ex-Girlfriend Drags Him To Court, Demands For Half His Wealth


LAGOS MAY 15TH (NEWSRANGERS)-One of the UFC and the wider mixed martial arts world’s most well-known stars just got a relationship bomb dropped on his lap. Moreover, his ex-girlfriend Charlotte Powdrell reportedly sued the fighter for half his wealth because “they dated too long and she supported his career.” As such, the little information we have of this development indicates that it’s taking shape as somewhat of a divorce case. Furthermore, fans expressed confusion and dismissal at the news, but it’s important to note that other things could’ve happened behind the scenes that we don’t know of and could paint this motion differently.

Still, this is a relatively early story and the Nigerian-New Zealander hasn’t responded to this development publicly as of writing this article. While it’s startling, it’s also too early to say how it will take shape. For those unfamiliar with Israel Adesanya, he recently reclaimed the title of UFC middleweight champion after beating rival Alex Pereira. However, that rivalry is something he cherishes. After their brawl, he remarked on what their long history means to him and gave him his due respect and flowers.

Israel Adesanya’s Ex-Girlfriend Sues Him For Half His Assets

“I love this game,” Israel Adesanya wrote on Twitter with a video of them embracing. “Nothing compares on this planet, in this life than putting it all on the line. One shot, the whole world watching… waiting… then BOOM!! HISSTORY. Our individual legends will always be intertwined because of the stories we’ve told with our beautiful violence. I’m grateful we have this rivalry, I’m grateful he beat me. It forced me to grow, made me better. Now I have done the same for him, the gift that keeps on giving… a** whoopings. Shoutout to the Warrior from Brazil Alex ‘Poatan’ Pereira!”


Meanwhile, there are others that side with Powdrell in this case, if only for their dislike of the 33-year-old’s statements and personality. Regardless, it seems like quite the murky and complicated case. In the coming weeks, surely more information will come up that will further contextualize this news. Until then, UFC fans patiently wait for an update on his status or his next fight. For more on Israel Adesanya and the latest news from the MMA world, log back into HNHH.




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