‘Treasons Greetings!’ Tens Of Thousands Protest Across US For Trump Impeachment

LAGOS DECEMBER 18TH (NEWSRANGERS)-Feverish demonstrations took place from coast to coast Tuesday night as thousands raised a rallying cry to impeach Donald Trump on the eve of the House’s historic vote to oust the president.

On Wednesday the House of Representatives will start to vote on two articles of impeachment. The vote will take place after six hours of floor debate which will allow dozens of lawmakers to make a case for and against the president on the floor.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets from Times Square in New York City to the French Quarter in New Orleans to Marshall Park in North Carolina to rally support for impeaching Trump. 

Chants reverberated from state to state as protesters shouted ‘Dump Trump’ and ‘No One’s Above the Law’. 

Many of the protests sweeping the nation were organized by a coalition of liberal groups such as MoveOn.org and Indivisible. The hashtags #impeachmenteve and #notabovethelaw trended on Twitter on Tuesday night. 

In New York City hundreds braved the cold and gathered in Times Square and unfurled a massive banner with Article II, Section 4, of the US Constitution emblazoned on it, the key piece of text that details impeachment.

The protesters marched that banner from Midtown towards Union Square. 

In Philadelphia protesters held signs with LED lights that spelled ‘IMPEACH’. In Florida protesters rallied with banners that said ‘Impeach Putin’s Puppet’.

About 200 people gathered in Marshall park in Charlotte, North Carolina where the demonstrators in unison said the Pledge of Allegiance and sang American the Beautiful. 

‘I’m here because our democracy is at risk,’ Kendrick Frazier, 49, who was demonstrating with his husband, said to the New York Times. ‘The rule of law has been thrown to the wayside. And people think that you have this personal thing against Donald Trump, and there have been lots of Republican presidents, but they acted like presidents. They didn’t act like, I’m sorry, but criminals.’

Approximately 350 protesters converged on Congresswoman Ann Wagner’s office in Ballwin, Missouri on Tuesday to demand she vote to oust President Donald Trump in Wednesday’s House vote. 

In Texas Houstonians gathered outside the office of Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz on Tuesday night as part of a national protest in support of impeachment.

In San Francisco, California rally organizer Steven Rapport led a crowd of pro-impeachment demonstrators while dressed as founding father Alexander Hamilton outside the city’s historic Federal Building.

On Wednesday the House of Representatives will vote to impeach President Donald Trump after six hours of debate. It’s expected to happen around 7 PM EST. 

Trump faces two articles of impeachment brought by Democrats accusing him of abusing the power in pressuring Ukraine to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election and of obstructing Congress.

The impeachment vote comes less than five months after the president got on the phone with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky and pushed him to announce an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden – a top contender for the 2020 Democratic nomination – while $400 million in military aid to Ukraine was being held up.

The vote was scheduled one day shy of the 21st anniversary of the last time the House took such a step – impeaching Democratic President Bill Clinton for lying under oath on December 19, 1998 after he failed to come clean about an affair he was having with a former White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.

Trump will be only the third president to be impeached. 


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