Owner Of Abia  Baby Factory Flees As Army Rescue  22 Pregnant Girls


LAGOS JUNE 5TH (NEWSRANGERS)-A baby factory operating at Umunkpeyi Nvosi in Isialangwa South local government area of Abia state has been raided by the Army.

A statement by the Public Relations officer, 14 Brigade, Ohafia, Lieutenant Innocent Omale, said the raid was carried out after a tip-off.

He stated that 22 pregnant young women, between the ages of 20 and 25, were rescued from the ‘factory’.

The Army spokesman gave the name of the owner of the baby factory as Nma Lilian Achumba from Umunkpeyi community in Isialangwa South local government area.

The victims were later handed over to the Abia state government.

Special adviser to Governor Alex Otti on Media and Publicity, Ferdinand Ekeoma commended the Army for the raid, stating that government was committed to the fight against all forms of child and human trafficking.

Some of the rescued women and girls who spoke with Radio Nigeria recounted how they came to be ”held’ in the baby factory.

The owner of the facility had, on sighting the Army patrol vehicles, escaped with one of the girls, leaving the others with two babies in the building.

Illegal maternity units

Nigeria’s black market is plagued by the proliferation of illegal maternity units commonly referred to as “baby factories.”

These nefarious operations involve a pattern where women, against their will, are impregnated by hired men, and their newborns are subsequently sold for profit.

These ‘baby factories’ often disguise themselves as private medical clinics or orphanages, exploiting their facade to carry out the impregnation of women and facilitate the negotiations and sale of infants.

Babies who remain unsold are frequently subjected to forced child labor, human trafficking for prostitution, or even horrific ritual sacrifices, according to reports.

Radio Nigeria

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