How Man Employed As Web Developer, Hacks,  Steals Billions Of Naira From Crypto Coy


LAGOS JULY 16TH (NEWSRANGERS)-The brain behind the hacking of a leading global crypto firm, Afriq Arbitrage System, Abayomi Segun Oluwasesan, has been arrested.

The arrest of the Nigerian was effected by the International Police in Nigeria after he had stolen billions and fled.

Though Oluwasesan initially claimed that some Arabian hackers were the brain behind it, it has been established that he indeed carried out the operation.

Checks revealed that the AAS system was built on top-notch security architecture by the founder, Jesam Michael, as it has the capacity to defend itself against any aggressive attacks from external sources or forces.

However, just like the biblical story of how Judas betrayed Jesus Christ, Oluwasesan, who was employed by his boss on June 15, 2022 to work as a web developer, literally hacked the platform at a time when his boss went for a liver transplant and entrusted the codes to him.

Overwhelmed by greed, Oluwasesan, who was entrusted with the sensitive data for the smooth operations of the company, engaged the services of his cohorts, disrupting the smooth operations of the platform and stealing hard-earned investors money running into several billions.

Checks revealed that AAS is a global phenomenon with over 100,000 investors from over 75 countries.

Thinking his employer would not survive the operation, he withdrew several millions of dollars and became an instant rich dude with an astonishing flamboyant lifestyle overnight.

He became the owner of a car dealership known as FIDORAY Autos and imported over 30 exotic wonders on wheels.

He acquired Tanzanian and United Arab Emirates citizenships.

Aside from that, he bought state-of-the-art properties in the United Kingdom, UAE, Tanzania and Nigeria.

One of the plazas he acquired in Lagos was to the tune of N450 million, with landed properties around Dangote refineries to the tune of N1 billion, and splashed another N1 billion on the interior decoration of the Mesh 3-Star hotel in the Mainland area of Lagos State.

He was travelling across the globe with investors’ money on first-class tickets.

His dubious activities literally crashed the lucrative platform on May 15, 2023.

However, the long arm of justice caught up with him when Michael survived the health challenge and was shocked to discover the criminal activities of Oluwasesan, who fled on hearing about the recovery of his boss.

Thus, the manhunt for his arrest began, spearheaded by Michael alongside the INTERPOL.

He was eventually arrested and willingly admitted by confession that he was guilty of stealing the investors’ money blindly.

His crimes bother on financial crimes, data theft, cyber security crimes and fraudulent takeover of the online financial platform to perpetrate cyber financial crimes.

Sadly, his criminal activities have left investors in the throes of suicide, pain and agony as their hard-earned money and lifetime investments were stolen callously.

In an emotion-laden voice, some of the investors narrated their ordeals on how the unfortunate incident has crashed their world and left them in pain.

Obi, who is from Anambra State joined AAS from inception, has two accounts and brought people into the platforms, said: “I am not happy. Since the unfortunate incident occurred.”

Roselyn Bamisaye from Abuja: “I knew the CEO last year through a lady. I am a retiree. All my money went into the scheme. My husband too who is a retiree was a subscriber to the tune N3 million as a starter. He registered a lot of family members and the return investment was moving on smoothly until Abayomi jeopardised our lifeline. We are not happy. The widows we have been helping via this investment are now crying helplessly. It has not been easy at all.”

Onyekachi Timothy Ibe: I got to know AAS through my sister. I started with $2,000 and increased it to $10,000. I made up to $22,000 as profit before Abayomi hacked the platform. It’s so saddening.”

Akinpelu Sunday from Osun State: A pastor from Kenya introduced me to the platform. The conception of AAS by the CEO was borne out of ingenuity, simplicity and honesty. I brought a lot of family members and clients to the platform. We put in huge money as investors. The return on investment was real and huge. Everything was moving on smoothly until CEO was sick and went for treatment. Sadly a common enemy, a dangerous serpent called Abayomi hacked into the system and caused us so much problem. Whosoever tries to pervert justice will meet with Karma.”

Alex Adaboi, a Nollywood actor from Benue State, but based in Abuja: “I go to know about it like 10 months ago. Prior to that period, I just came out of a bad experience. I lost about $80,000 and my kid brother here too lost about $70,000. We joined AAS because it was genuine and had a real face behind it. We have been able to be taking care of the widows in our own little way and felt this platform will help us interpret our dreams. Sadly, this fool called Abayomi came in to destabilise things. This has brought in untold pains and agony and made me quite suicidal. It’s so painful. He destroyed a lot of souls and lifelines.”

Captain David Adabo, a pilot by profession: “I knew about Arbitrate since I was a teenager. I lost a lot through fake platforms but my belief was rekindled through AAS. His confidence and knowledge were amazing. We put in a lot of resources. Truth be told, everything the CEO told us about the trade, he fulfilled them until the wicked Abayomi scattered things. It was annoying. Truth be told, the CEO through AAS really trained and taught us about this trade and everything was going smoothly as he said it would. Even the devil is clapping for this criminal and greedy Abayomi.”

Micheal from Abia State: I got to know about AAS through a friend in January 2023. I had fallen victim to Ponzi schemes in the past and lost all interest in online trading. However, when I joined the AAS platform, my passion was rekindled and I was really making money. It was going smoothly. In fact, my wife who is a critic of online trading joined when she discovered I was making money. But the beautiful story turned upside down because of the criminality of a common enemy known as Abayomi. From that April till now, things have turned upside down. My landlord has given me a quit notice. It has been so traumatic because of the callousness of one fellow called Abayomi.”

Abraham Lawal from Lagos: “What prompted me to join was the sincerity of the CEO. I registered my wife, my son, and other family members. Sadly, the unfortunate incident happened in April and the agony is uncontrollable.”

Godwin Stanley: “I got to know about this platform last year. Everything was moving smoothly until this unfortunate incident. Now I have turned to begging for survival.”

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