Ex- Jigawa Chief Judge Ringim Die In Lonely Auto-Crash

LAGOS MAY 19TH (NEWSRANGERS0-Former Jigawa chief judge Aminu Sabo Ringim died in a lone automobile crash at about 1:00 p.m., on Tuesday, in Shafar village, Ringim local government area.

Adamu Shehu, the spokesman for the Jigawa command of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), confirmed the incident to journalists in Dutse.

“The incident happened around 1 p.m. today at Shafar village in Ringim LGA after the deceased, who was driving a Peugeot 206 from Dutse to Ringim, lost control on a sharp bend along Chaichai-Ringim road.

“The incident involved two persons, the former chief judge and his son,” Mr Shehu said.

He added that the victims were rushed to Ringim General Hospital, where the ex-chief judge was confirmed dead.

According to the NSCDC spokesman, the injured son is receiving treatment.

When contacted, the Jigawa Ministry of Justice spokeswoman, Zainab Baba-Santali, confirmed the incident and promised to issue a statement soon.

“The ministry will issue a statement concerning the deceased, immediately the state’s Commissioner for Justice and Attorney General, Dr Musa Adamu, returned from the burial,” said Ms Baba-Santali.

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Posted by on May 19 2021. Filed under National. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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