Three Children, Including Baby, Die After Consumption Of Packet Of Noodles

LAGOS NOVEMBER 10TH (NEWSRANGERS)-Three children, including a four-month-old baby boy, died after eating a packet of noodles on Sunday during a visit to relatives in New Brighton, in the Eastern Cape.

Police spokesperson Colonel Priscilla Naidu said police are investigating an inquest following the deaths of the three children, Sinothando Ngwendu (11), Olwam Ngwendu (7), and four-month-old Athenkosi Ngwendu.

Sinothando Ngwendu is a cousin Olwam and Athenkosi Ngwendu.

“It is alleged that on Saturday, 6 November 2021, the three children accompanied their grandparents on a visit to relatives in New Brighton.

 “The children stayed over and on Sunday, the 11-year-old girl went to the shop and bought a packet of noodles,” said Naidu.

It is believed the girl cooked the packet of noodles and the children ate it before leaving to go back to Motherwell. She said all three children allegedly ate from the same packet of noodles.

“When the children arrived home in Motherwell, Sinothando complained of feeling nauseous. Her grandmother gave her some water to drink.

“Olwam also complained of stomach cramps and nausea. While being driven with private transport to the Motherwell clinic, they passed away,” said Naidu.

She said the shortly after Sinothando and Olwam were taken to the hospital, the baby also passed away while en route to a hospital in another vehicle.

A post mortem will be conducted to establish the exact cause of their deaths.

The South African

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