Scores Injured As Two BRT Buses Collide


LAGOS OCTOBER 17TH (NEWSRANGERS)-Many people were injured in an accident that occurred earlier today.

According to an eyewitness, Raymond with the handle, ”@IAmTheIrokothe, the sad incident happened along Cement Bus stop in Lagos. The witness further stated that the accident might have taken place due to reckless driving by drivers of the two BRT buses which led to the collision.

Giving further detail, the witness stated that the LASTMA officials at the scene had no medical facility to respond and attend to those injured in the mishap. This development left those who were injured almost helpless except if any external help comes their way.


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Posted by on Oct 17 2023. Filed under National. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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