Retired US Generals Accuse Joe Biden Of Not Fit To Be President

LAGOS MAY 14TH (NEWSRANGERS)-No fewer than 120 retired US generals and admirals have published an open letter suggesting that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected as President and questioning his fitness for office.

The letter, signed by 124 retired members of the armed forces calling themselves ‘Flag Officers 4 America’, said that America is “in deep peril,” having “taken a hard-Left turn toward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government”.

The letter from US retired military leaders said: “Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the ‘will of the people’ our Constitutional Republic is lost,” and claimed that the FBI and Supreme Court “ignored” irregularities in 2020.

The group also questioned the “physical and mental condition of the Commander in Chief” and claimed that questions had been raised about who is really in charge.

It also touched on the southern border situation, the Iran nuclear deal, freedom of speech and China.

It comes just days after soldiers in France sparked fury by publishing their own open letter accusing president Emmanuel Macron of “surrendering” to Islamist extremists, a move likely to have boosted the far-Right.

The US signatories, most of whom have been retired for more than two decades, said that soldiers today are being used “as political pawns, with thousands of troops deployed around the US Capitol Building, patrolling fences guarding against a non-existent threat.”

One of the contributors, retired Brigadier General Don Bolduc, is running for a Senate seat in New Hampshire next year.

“We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776,” the letter says.

“The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty.”

The statement has been widely condemned, with one Navy officer telling Politico it was “disturbing and reckless.”

Retired General Michael Hayden, a former director of the CIA and NSA said the letter, written by some people he knew, made him feel sad and that he wished it was fake.

Jim Golby, a senior fellow at the Clements Center for National Security at The University of Texas said: “I’ve seen a lot of these letters, but this one really is something.

“Especially because it targets the entire Democratic party, implies the election was illegitimate and contains a number of verifiable lies.”

“Rest assured, there is an unsigned list of thousands of former senior officers who remain committed (for life) to the Constitution (against all enemies, foreign and domestic),” said Tony Thomas, a former commander of the United States Special Operations Command.

Jim Golby, a military relations expert, said the letter is a “shameful effort to use their rank and the military’s reputation for such a gross and blatant partisan attack”.

But the decision to publish the letter was defended by one of the key organisers – retired Army Major General Joe Arbuckle, a Vietnam veteran who left the military in 2000.

“Retired generals and admirals normally do not engage in political actions, but the situation facing our nation today is dire and we must speak out in order to be faithful to our oath to support and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” he told Politico.

“We are facing threats greater than at any other time since our country was founded.

“Aside from China, many of these threats flow directly from policy positions and actions of our own government. To remain silent would be a dereliction of duty.”

The Telegraph

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Posted by on May 14 2021. Filed under International, National. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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