Protesters Hurl Eggs At Rudy Giuliani, Pro-Trump Demonstrators In New York

LAGOS OCTOBER 25TH (NEWSRANGERS)-Anti-Trump protesters hurled eggs and insults at supporters of the president — including former mayor Rudy Giuliani — as they rolled through Manhattan in a convoy on Sunday.

VVideo posted on Twitter shows a flag-draped pro-Trump caravan — identified online as a Jews for Trump demonstration — led by Giuliani being bombarded with eggs, including one spot at 59th Street and 5th Avenue — with one protester yelling “f—-g scum” at the former Big Apple mayor.

“F–k you Rudy,” another man is heard screaming.

“You f—-g coward, go back to f—-g Long Island,” another man yells.

Giuliani is seen in one clip rolling down the passenger side window of the SUV he’s riding in and calls out to a cop — “Lieutenant.”

“I’m a sergeant,” the cop says as he walks over to the vehicle, which pulls away after the two speak briefly — with Giuliani seeming to point out vocal demonstrators repeatedly shouting, “f–k you Rudy, f—-g piece of s–t.”

One protester is seen ripping a “back the blue” flag from the side of one SUV in the caravan.

Another video shows cops blocking protesters from pursuing the Trump caravan.

Demonstrators also clashed with anti-Trump protesters in Times Square, where a video shows the two sides exchange punches as red paint is splashed on vehicles in the caravan.

In one clip, an apparent counter-protestor can be seen swinging at a pro-Trumper before running away — only for someone to trip him and him, sending him tumbling to the pavement.

The line of vehicles traveled across parts of Manhattan and Brooklyn starting around 10 a.m. and into the afternoon, the videos show.

The clashes didn’t end in Midtown. A mobile phone video posted on Twitter later in the day shows a protester hurling eggs at the caravan as it sits on the Prospect Park Expressway between Caton Avenue and Albermarle Road.

“I got a bunch of these, baby,” the man is heard yelling as he picks eggs out of a carton and throws them.

“I can do this all f—-g day,” he says. “All f—-g day. Little s—heads. Learn your f—-g place.”

Police sources said at least seven people were arrested during the unrest and two cops were injured in melees.

New York Post

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