Prophet T.B. Joshua Last Words As SCOAN Confirms Demise (Full Statement From Church)

LAGOS JUNE 6TH (NEWSRANGERS)-The Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) has issued the statement below to confirm the passage of its founder, the popular Prophet T.B. Joshua.

The Church equally quoted his last sermon and  his last service


PROPHET TB JOSHUA – JUNE 12th 1963 to JUNE 5th 2021

“Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” – Amos 3:7

On Saturday 5th June 2021, Prophet TB Joshua spoke during the Emmanuel TV Partners Meeting: “Time for everything – time to come here for prayer and time to return home after the service.”

 God has taken His servant Prophet TB Joshua home – as it should be by divine will. His last moments on earth were spent in the service of God. This is what he was born for, lived for and died for.

As Prophet TB Joshua says, “The greatest way to use life is to spend it on something that will outlive it”.

Prophet TB Joshua leaves a legacy of service and sacrifice to God’s Kingdom that is living for generations yet unborn.

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