Police Nab Portable  While Jumping Over Gate To Evade Arrest Over Alleged Unpaid Debt For His G-Wagon

LAGOS MAY 15TH (NEWSRANGERS)-Men of the Lagos state police command have arrested singer Portable. The singer was arrested to May 14 following a petition from a car dealer. Portable allegedly purchased a G-Wagon worth N27 million from the car dealer, made a down payment of N14 million and took the vehicle away with the promise to pay the balance. 

After waiting for a while without any word concerning his balance, the dealer reached out to the singer who claimed the car he purchased had faults. The dealer then asked the singer to return the car or pay the balance but Portable allegedly refused.

Following a petition from the dealer, the police moved in and arrested the singer. The singer jumped his gate in an attempt to stop his arrest. He is currently in custody at the state police headquarters and might spend the night there as the police is yet to receive any surety for his bail.

When contacted, the spokesperson of the Lagos state police command, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, confirmed the arrest of the singer.


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Posted by on May 15 2024. Filed under Entertainment, National. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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