Over 100 Terrorists Killed As  Flood Sweeps Through Boko Haram Enclave In Sambisa Forest

LAGOS SEPTEMBER 13TH (NEWSRANGERS)-Scores of members of the Boko Haram terrorist organisation have been reportedly killed following the flooding that ravaged Borno State on Tuesday, September 10.
The flood according to security sources, was caused by the failure of the Alau Dam, which took over the Sambisa Forest known as the terrorists’ stronghold in the region.
Report revealed  that many family members, including dozens of women and children tied to the terrorists, lost their lives as their homes were swept away by the flood, Daily Trust reported.

Sources indicate that the Sambisa Forest was over flooded around 2am on Monday, catching many of the terrorists unaware as they slept.
One source explained that the group suffered huge losses due to the swampy nature of Sambisa Forest, where the River Yedzaram overflowed and flooded the area known as Dollarland.
It was noted that the surviving group members have buried over 100 bodies in the aftermath of the disaster.
“The insurgents were hit hard by the devastation; they’ve buried over 100 corpses,” the source revealed.

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