NLC President Shuns Police Invitation As Labour Threatens Nationwide Shutdown If  Arrested

LAGOS AUGUST 21ST (NEWSRANGERS)-The President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Joe Ajaero, has declined an invitation from the Nigeria Police Force, citing prior engagements.

The rejection was contained in a letter from Ajaero’s lawyers, Falana and Falana Chambers, addressed to the Inspector General of Police.

The letter stated that the police invitation, which was received yesterday, came too late, as Ajaero had already committed to another engagement.

The letter read in part: “We are solicitors to the Nigeria Labour Congress and its President, Joe Ajaero… We have the instructions of Ajaero to inform you that he is unable to honour your invitation on Tuesday, August 20, in view of the fact that your invitation letter was received by him yesterday. He has an engagement that had been fixed before the receipt of the invitation letter.”

The statement also revealed that Ajaero will be free for interrogation on Wednesday, 29th August, 2024.

The police had summoned Ajaero over allegations of criminal conspiracy, terrorism financing, treasonable felony, subversion, and cybercrime.

Meanwhile, the leadership of the Nigerian Labour Congress has threatened to down tools nationwide in the event that the Nigeria Police detains its President, Comrade Joe Ajaero.

The union handed down the threat on Tuesday morning at its headquarters, shortly after holding an emergency National Executive Council meeting to discuss the invitation of the NLC President by the police over allegations of terrorism financing.

The NEC resolved that Ajaero should honor the police invitation but noted that their legal adviser should seek more time for the NLC President to appear before the police authorities.

Comrade Ado Kabiru Sani, the Deputy President of the NLC, enjoined the nation’s workforce to remain on standby for further directives should the police act contrary to their expectation of detaining Ajaero.

His words: “As a committed labor center, we will honor the invitation of the police because we are not a faceless organization, but we are working with our lawyer for an extension of time.

“In the event that the President is arrested, all workers will down tools immediately. We should wait for further directives from our leadership.”

Details later.

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Posted by on Aug 21 2024. Filed under National. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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