Nigeria Resolves To Hire Foreign Tactician After Super Eagles Dismal Performances

LAGOS JUNE 16TH (NEWSRANGERS)-The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has resolved to hire a foreign technical adviser for the Senior Men’s National Team, Super Eagles, following recent dismal performances under coach Finidi George.

The Executive Committee rose from its board meeting on Wednesday and “resolved to employ an expatriate Technical Adviser for the Super Eagles in the coming weeks, ahead of the AFCON qualifiers and the remaining FIFA World Cup qualifying matches”.

“The Committee resolved to beef up the NFF Technical Department with more qualitative hands. Equally, the Technical and Development Sub-Committee will be re-jigged with immediate effect,” a communique released after the meeting said.

The communique didn’t however disclose if the current Super Eagles coach will work under the new foreign tactician when employed or be sacked.

While apologising to Nigerians for the dismal output and subsequent very poor returns in four out of 10 matches in the ongoing qualification series for the 2026 FIFA World Cup finals, the Executive Committee pledged to work assiduously and put necessary measures in place to ensure a better-prepared squad ahead of the AFCON 2025 qualifiers in September this year and the resumption of the World Cup qualifiers in March 2025.

Meanwhile, the Board expressed displeasure with the poor attitude of some of the players toward national assignment and unanimously decided in favour of a more robust scouting programme of outstanding Nigeria-eligible players from across the world, who can add tremendous value to the nation’s flagship team.

Many football analysts have questioned the Super Eagles coach’s technical and tactical prowess after superintending over two poorly executed matches in the ongoing World Cup qualifiers.

The Nigerian side forced South Africa to a draw in Uyo before succumbing to Benin Republic in an away encounter three days later.


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