Hijab: Another Lawyer Appears In Court In Catholic Rosary, After Omirhobo’s  Juju Outfit Saga


LAGOS JUNE 30TH (NEWSRANGERS)-No doubt the last of the effect of  the Hijab judgment by the supreme Court is yet to be seen.

Activist, Malcolm Omirhobo’s move appears to have emboldened other lawyers. On Tuesday, another lawyer, Dennis Ezekiel, appeared at the Federal High Court in Lagos wearing a rosary on his barrister’s attire.

He explained that he was exercising his right to religious freedom following the hijab ruling.

Mr. Ezekiel said: “My name is Dennis Ezekiel. I’m a Christian, a Catholic and I’m professing my religion by appearing like this in court.

It is my right, enshrined in Section 38 of the Constitution and laid down, enunciated by the Supreme Court (in its) judgment (on hijab).

So, we have that constitutional right to profess our religion without let or hindrance.”


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