Gunmen Abduct Operational Sterling Bank Manager In Bayelsa


LAGOS JUNE 20TH (NEWSRANGERS)-Gunmen suspected to be kidnappers have abducted the Operations Manager of the Sterling Bank, Mrs. Nneka Enuka Ugonochie in Bayelsa State.

Daily Trust gathered that the incident, which occured on Friday around the PDP Junction of the Sanni Abacha Expressway in Yenagoa, caught many residents unaware due to the multiple presence of joint security check point along the road.

Security sources told Daily Trust that the victim had been warned previously to relocate from her residence which is adjacent to that of the arrested kidnap kingpin, John Ewa aka John Lyon and Emmanuel Agase.

It was gathered that the men of the Operation Puff Adder and anti-kidnapping squad of the state police command had provided security for her residence but the arrangement was altered after she complained of cost of logistics.

It was also revealed that she was warned that until the state government approved the seizure of the building owned by the arrested kidnappers, she should be vigilant and security concious.

Many residents of the area told Daily Trust that the kidnapping could be connected to the remaining members of John Lyon’s gang who were on the run during the arrest of the kingpin.

The Commissioner of Police in Bayelsa State, Mr Romokere Ibani, who confirmed the kidnap, said the bank manager was abducted while driving to her office by four gunmen dressed in military camouflage.

He said investigation was ongoing to track down the hoodlums and free the victim.



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