Exposed: Cold War Against TB Joshua

LAGOS SEPTEMBER 5TH (NEWSRANGERS)-When we reveal that there is an anti-TB Joshua gang out there that are on a secret mission (though no longer secrete) to kill the Prophet, don’t try to get yourself being misled that we are being alarmist. It is important to bring this to your notice that all this information are not just exaggerated reports, but they are well received classified intelligent security reports from diverse sources around the world on the evil plot against TB Joshua’s life and ministry.
As times goes on, we will be trying our best to draw your attention to some events that will be unfolding. Matching those events with these security reports will go a long way in unveiling the truth.
We need to know that the evil forces who have taken control of the world establishments are as we speak, waging a deadly cold war against TB Joshua and his ministry. TB Joshua is being targeted in every front and those behind this conspiracy are doing it in such a way that it is difficult to trace where the targets are coming from. It will only take one with deep insight into conspiracy matters and personal revelations from God to know what is going on. And you will be shocked to know those behind all these evil schemes against the Prophet. Always put it in mind that it is a local and international collaboration.
In our past published security recommendation here to the Prophet and the SCOAN family worldwide, we made mentioned as part of the security intelligent reports we received that there is a plan target against those that have publicly associated with TB Joshua, especially those in well-placed positions. We told everyone to watch their back because those that want to kill TB Joshua will be coming after them too. They will be blackmailed and there imaged tarnished with supports from News media and journalist; which is a part of the holistic scheme in their targeting of TB Joshua and his ministry.
The world is under the power of Satan and those that have sold their soul because of the vanity of this world are the ones who are into this scheme to kill the Prophet and as well targeting those around him. They are not comfortable with the great work of God in the SCOAN and the grace of God – the spiritual powers/ gift in the life of the Prophet.
Most of their evil schemes they intended against the Children of God are being forced to be on hold and those in enforcement are being brought to not through the Prophetic gift, healings and deliverance in the life and ministry of the Prophet, and these they are not comfortable with.
They don’t know what God may do next through the Prophet and they are counting the day they will be exposed for the evil they are. To their shame before the entire world.
We are all aware of the reported persecution our beloved Sister in Christ, Mrs Fatmata Edna Kargbo is going through because of the testimony she gave to the glory of God at the SCOAN on the goodness and mercies of God upon her life, family and career.
The facts that the world News media are trying to twist the truths and create the impression that Mrs Fatmata Edna Kargbo completed are God’s given house after 14 years through proceeds of corruption, should not come as a surprise to anyone.
We are all aware of the role she played compelling the government of her nation to seek aid from TB Joshua during the period when the deadly Ebola Virus was spreading around communities and killing citizens of the nation of Sierra Leone.
Remember the security reports that came from an alleged Russian security sources during the period of the attacked at the SCOAN guest house here: ( It claimed one of the reasons for the attacked against the SCOAN was the role the Prophet played as an instrument in God’s hand in helping some Africa nation during the Ebola virus crisis. (Note: we are not in any way given a substantiation to the said report since there have not been any official response from the SCOAN about that report till date.) The said lady that is being persecuted right now was the one who out of patriotism and love for her nation persuade her government to seek divine help from God in TB. Joshua’s ministry.
For those who watched her first Testimony, she gave Live on Emmanuel TV after God’s intervention in stopping the spread of the Ebola virus in her nation. There was a revealing part of her testimony that was edited out in the respond Video from the SCOAN concerning her recent travail.
Mrs Fatmata Edna Kargbo was the one who exposed on Emmanuel TV the opposition they face from some powerful international bodies who confiscated the Anointed Waters sent by TB Joshua to help stop the Ebola Virus diseases. This was even though the Anointed water was officially ordered by the then government in power. But some powerful international forces never wanted the anointed water to be used but with the help of some persons amongst them, who have the fear of God some of the anointed water was secretly released to them to be used in some regions.
She and some voluntaries had to risk their lives to go to does affected regions to minister the anointed waters and does regions have been declared Ebola virus-free till date.
So therefore, we must know where this battle is coming from and the direction it is heading towards.
Let us not forget the many conspiracy theories out there about the Ebola Virus disease itself– like those that say it was manmade, a biological weapon and it was created to reduced or exterminate the African race. Also, TB Joshua said the Ebola virus was manufactured from the pit of hell. We will allow you to put things together and think for yourself.

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Posted by on Sep 5 2019. Filed under Features, National. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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