Crisis Looms In Rivers As Youths Shut Down LG Secretariat, Demand Chairman’s Removal

LAGOS JUNE 18TH (NEWSRANGERS)-In Rivers State, youths have taken action by shutting down the Asari Toru Local Government Secretariat, demanding the removal of their Chairman.

This development occurs amidst a heated dispute between Local Government Area (LGA) chairmen and Governor Sim Fubara.

Reportedly, the Chairman, whose tenure expires today, has fled his office as residents stormed the secretariat.

The incident is linked to the ongoing legal battle between the LGA chairmen and the state government. The matter is currently before the court, with the next hearing scheduled after their tenure ends.

Security operatives have been deployed to maintain order at the council secretariat.

It’s worth noting that the LGA chairmen, who are loyal to former Governor Nyesom Wike, had vowed not to vacate their offices in June.

According to Chief Hon. Dr. Irastus Awoto, Legal Adviser of the 21 LGA chairmen and Chairman of Andoni LGA, the Chairmen will stay in office for an additional six months.

Awoto stated, “We were elected in 2021, and our tenure expires in June. However, LG elections should have been concluded, and winners should be awaiting swearing-in. The Assembly recognizes that no action has been taken to conduct elections, and therefore, we must maintain democratically elected Chairmen until elections are done, as stated in the local government law.”

Day Break

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