Crime Partners Beat Bitcoin Scam Orchestrator To Death For Stealing Nearly $68 Mln

LAGOS SEPEMBER 2ND (NEWSRANGERS)- Indian police have discovered a large-scale BTC scam worth $67.6 mln, its facilitator beaten to death for cheating his partners
Police in the Indian Uttarakhand state have found out about a big Bitcoin scam after its orchestrator, Abdul Shakoor, was killed by his former crime partners for cheating them.

Massive Bitcoin scam shut down
As reported by Indian Times, the scam got the attention of the police after its facilitator was left at the emergency ward of a private hospital and the people who had given him a severe beating left.
Abdul Shakoor was dead soon after and he is believed to be the organizer of the Bitcoin scam. The police have caught the murderers and gave them charges for tormenting Sharkoor and ultimately killing him. Five other members of the gang are wanted by the police.
The head of the investigation, Arun Mohan Joshi, commented on the situation, saying:
Cryptocurrency worth hundreds of crores led to the murder of Abdul Shakoor. The accused, who are all members of Shakoor’s business team, tortured him brutally at a house in Prem Nagar (on the outskirts of Dehradun) that led to his death.
Cheating his own crime partners
Shakoor scammed crypto for nearly $68 mln and for that he deceived not only numerous crypto investors from various Indian cities that hoped to receive high returns on their investments but also his own associates in that crime scheme.
After Shakoor’s gang fled from the investors, they had to change their locations all the time.
He deceived his partners in the gang saying that his Bitcoin account had been hacked and that he was planning to launch his own token to return the money to the investors.
His associates, however, found out about the deception and beat the man to death to get the Bitcoin wallet password from of him.
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Posted by on Sep 2 2019. Filed under Business, International, National. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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