Parliamentary Workers Threaten To Shut Down Lawmaking Assemblies Across Nigeria

LAGOS FEBRUARY 9TH (NEWSRANGERS)-The Parliamentary Staff Association of Nigeria, PASAN, has threatened to shut down the National Assembly, the National Assembly Service Commission, all State Houses of Assembly, all State Houses of Assembly Service Commissions and relevant departments over the authorities’ failure to implement financial autonomy for the legislative arm of government.

The workers are asking for full implementation of financial autonomy for all State Houses of Assembly.

They asked the Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF) to implement the demand or face a total shutdown through a nationwide strike.

According to a strike notice, dated January 27th, 2021 and addressed to President Buhari, the workers said they had been patient for two years without the implementation of financial autonomy for State Houses of Assembly as demanded by Section 121(3) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

PASAN also expressed dismay at the action of the NGF, which it said was aimed at frustrating the implementation of financial autonomy for State Houses of Assembly.

The notice, jointly signed by the President of PASAN, Muhammad Usman, and General Secretary, D. D Suleiman, warned that failure to meet their demands before the expiration of the ultimatum would leave the association with no option than to pull her members off duty posts.

The statement further said: “Our members have run out of patience and have resolved to forthwith put an end to condoning further delays to the implementation of the financial autonomy for State Houses of Assembly.

“Consequent upon the forgoing, the union has resolved to in defence of democracy, issue a 21-day ultimatum to our employers and all other bodies charged with the implementation of letters of our Constitution, including the Federal Government, the Presidential Implementation Committee on Financial Autonomy for State Judiciary and Legislature, to ensure full implementation of financial autonomy in all the 36 State Houses of the Federation as provided in Section 121(3) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended and in Executive Order 10.

“Failure to meet the above demand at the end of 21 days ultimatum will leave the union with no other option than to direct all its members nationwide to embark on an indefinite strike.

 “By implication, the nationwide strike shall see the shutdown of the National Assembly, the National Assembly Service Commissions, all State Houses of Assembly, all State Houses of Assembly Service Commissions among others.”


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