Joe Biden Lights Up Social Media With Just Three Letters On His New Website
LAGOS NOVEMBER 24TH (NEWSRANGERS)-President-elect Joe Biden on Monday shared a tweet showing off a new website for his transition effort.
And his supporters are excited by just three letters in the URL: .gov.
The new site,, is one of the first visible signs that the formal transition is now underway, hours after the General Services Administration finally signed off on giving Biden’s team access to the resources it needs to begin the process.
The website itself is fairly standard, with information about the incoming administration, its priorities, the transition effort and more.
It also has a place to submit resumes.
But given that GSA administrator Emily Murphy delayed the transition for weeks as President Donald Trump waged a legal war against the election results, Biden supporters celebrated the new ”.gov” domain:
That .gov really hits different
— Mayor Svante Myrick (@SvanteMyrick) November 24, 2020
Biden is now able to work within the
.gov websites as the GSA has begun allowing Biden access to transition
I know a lot of Trumpers think this is 4D chess for Trump to win the election,
but in reality tonight is where Trump’s challenges died a long overdue death.
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