2019: Buhari’s Supporters Go Spiritual, Declare 40 Days Prayer Session

LAGOS NOVEMBER 22ND (NEWSRANGERS)-Supporters of President Muhammadu Buhari have gone spiritual ahead of the 2019 presidential elections.
The supporters in their bid to ensure the victory of the president in 2019 had declared 40 days prayer session.
The session organised by the National Inter-Faith and Religious Organisations for Peace (NIFROP) in Abuja was rounded off on Wednesday at the Unity Fountain.

Speaking at the event, Bishop Sunday Garuba, said the Lord would deal with anyone who was working against the peace and progress of the entity called Nigeria.
His words, “During the 40 days prayer session we embarked upon, the Lord revealed to us that President Muhammadu Buhari would be sworn in for second term in May 29, 2019.
“The answered prayer has given our dear nation victory over evil, we now have the assurance that those that dig pits for Nigeria will themselves fall into it, those who fan embers of hatred for the sake of winning elections will be consumed by the fire they lit; those who want to disrupt the wind of change brought by President Buhari shall be disappointed; we have the assurance that President Buhari will emerge victorious at the polls to continue the good work he is doing for the country.
“In the midst of this victory celebration, I have been instructed by God to make three declarations tonight:
“President Muhammadu Buhari will be inaugurated for a second term our president on May 29, 2019. He shall be back to continue the rebuilding of Nigeria that he is working with in wake of the locust years of the government that preceded his. As the Bible assures us, ‘The bricks have fallen, but we will build with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place.’ (Isaiah 9:10 ESV)
“President Buhari second tenure will bring an end to the evil forces responsible for violent killings in this country. Boko Haram, Farmers/Herdsmen Crisis, kidnappers and cattle rustlers will all be a thing of the past. They are Egyptians that we shall see no more once we cross the Red Sea of 2019 General Elections with President Buhari leading us to the Promised Land. This is because whilst praying here, God showed us what he has in store for the country and this is exactly what he has agreed to do in our country. President Buhari is the man with the needed courage.
“I saw it clearly that a horde of extremists dressed in black and warming up to take over from wherever Boko Haram stops will come to ruins. I use this opportunity to call on these militants wearing black cloths that there defeat at the hands of God shall become a byword for foolishness.
“I decree the end of corruption in Nigeria. God hates cheating and seeing that his servant, President Buhari also hates cheating has decreed an end to corruption in Nigeria. We are not from very rich and material congregations but our God is rich and has provided everything needed for this assignment. We are calling on those that have been shouting bring back our corruption to flee because God has cursed corruption in Nigeria and from today anyone that steals a dime in this country will be put to shame.
“Whosoever shall steal the commonwealth of Nigeria shall spend proceeds of same on treating ailments and burying their loved ones. So shall it be.”
Also speaking at the event, Abdulgafar Sadiq (Chief Iman of Usman Bello Mosque), urged every good Muslim and Christian, therefore, must get their PVCs ready for 2019.
According to him, “It is also their responsibility to encourage others of like mind to do the same because we must obey the commandment of God as regards the progress of Nigeria.
“I know for a fact that for these 40 days’ prayers and fasting to be successful regardless of our different faiths, shows that God loves Nigeria. In many places that I have had cause to deliver lectures and messages, I have said it loud and clear that President Muhammadu Buhari was sent to Nigeria by Allah.”

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Posted by on Nov 22 2018. Filed under National. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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