12 Of 127 Cote d’Ivoire Returnees Test Positive To Coronavirus In Osun State

LAGOS APRIL 2ND (NEWSRANGERS)-Twelve of the 127 Osun State indigenes who returned to the state last week have tested positive to coronavirus, with state officials saying the figure is likely to increase as 80 other results are being expected.

Seven buses brought the 127 Nigerians from Abidjan, Cote d’voire and they were intercepted by the Ogun State government, which notified its Osun State counterpart.

The Osun state government promptly quarantined and started testing them. As at Tuesday, 27 of them were tested and three came out positive. Today, more were tested, with 9 being positive.

“The numbers would go up until they’re all tested. They are all in isolation. Let’s pray for their speedy recovery. While it is good to spread information, it is equally instructive to set the records straight,’ a state official said.

“Few days ago, those buses coming from Abidjan, heading to Ejigbo were stopped in Ogun State. Fortunately, the Ogun state government was responsible enough, they contacted the government of Osun about it, Osun Government quickly went there to bring them to the state. They put all of them in compulsory hotel in Ejigbo and they tested them all, 127 in total, 9 came back positive.”

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Posted by on Apr 2 2020. Filed under Health, National. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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